BaseRepositoryInterface Base Eloquent Repository
Here's a base Eloquent Repository.
interface BaseRepositoryInterface
\* Execute the query and get the first result.
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::EloquentModel|null|static
\* @static
public function first(\$columns);
\* Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::EloquentModel
\* @static
public function firstOrFail(\$columns);
\* Execute the query as a "select" statement.
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return
\* @static
public function get(\$columns);
\* Pluck a single column from the database.
\* @param string \$column
\* @return mixed|static
\* @static
public function pluck(\$column);
\* Get an array with the values of a given column.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param string \$key
\* @return array
\* @static
public function lists(\$column, \$key = null);
\* Get a paginator for the "select" statement.
\* @param int \$perPage
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return Illuminate:::PaginationPaginator
\* @static
public function paginate(\$perPage = null, \$columns = array());
\* Get the hydrated models without eager loading.
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return array
\* @static
public function getModels(\$columns = array());
\* Eager load the relationships for the models.
\* @param array \$models
\* @return array
\* @static
public function eagerLoadRelations(\$models);
\* Add a relationship count condition to the query.
\* @param string \$relation
\* @param string \$operator
\* @param int \$count
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::EloquentBuilder
\* @static
public function has(\$relation, \$operator = '>=', \$count = 1,
\$boolean = 'and');
\* Add a relationship count condition to the query with an "or".
\* @param string \$relation
\* @param string \$operator
\* @param int \$count
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::EloquentBuilder
\* @static
public function orHas(\$relation, \$operator = '>=', \$count = 1);
\* Get the underlying query builder instance.
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function getQuery();
\* Set the underlying query builder instance.
\* @param :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder \$query
\* @return void
\* @static
public function setQuery(\$query);
\* Get the relationships being eagerly loaded.
\* @return array
\* @static
public function getEagerLoads();
\* Set the relationships being eagerly loaded.
\* @param array \$eagerLoad
\* @return void
\* @static
public function setEagerLoads(\$eagerLoad);
\* Get the model instance being queried.
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::EloquentModel
\* @static
public function getModel();
\* Set a model instance for the model being queried.
\* @param :::IlluminateDatabase:::EloquentModel \$model
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::EloquentBuilder
\* @static
public function setModel(\$model);
\* Set the columns to be selected.
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function select(\$columns = array());
\* Add a new select column to the query.
\* @param mixed \$column
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function addSelect(\$column);
\* Force the query to only return distinct results.
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function distinct();
\* Set the table which the query is targeting.
\* @param string \$table
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function from(\$table);
\* Add a join clause to the query.
\* @param string \$table
\* @param string \$first
\* @param string \$operator
\* @param string \$second
\* @param string \$type
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function join(\$table, \$first, \$operator = null, \$second =
null, \$type = 'inner');
\* Add a left join to the query.
\* @param string \$table
\* @param string \$first
\* @param string \$operator
\* @param string \$second
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function leftJoin(\$table, \$first, \$operator = null, \$second =
\* Add a basic where clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param string \$operator
\* @param mixed \$value
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function where(\$column, \$operator = null, \$value = null,
\$boolean = 'and');
\* Add an "or where" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param string \$operator
\* @param mixed \$value
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhere(\$column, \$operator = null, \$value = null);
\* Add a raw where clause to the query.
\* @param string \$sql
\* @param array \$bindings
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereRaw(\$sql, \$bindings = array(), \$boolean =
\* Add a raw or where clause to the query.
\* @param string \$sql
\* @param array \$bindings
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhereRaw(\$sql, \$bindings = array());
\* Add a where between statement to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param array \$values
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereBetween(\$column, \$values, \$boolean = 'and');
\* Add an or where between statement to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param array \$values
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhereBetween(\$column, \$values);
\* Add a nested where statement to the query.
\* @param Closure \$callback
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereNested(\$callback, \$boolean = 'and');
\* Add an exists clause to the query.
\* @param Closure \$callback
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @param bool \$not
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereExists(\$callback, \$boolean = 'and', \$not =
\* Add an or exists clause to the query.
\* @param Closure \$callback
\* @param bool \$not
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhereExists(\$callback, \$not = false);
\* Add a where not exists clause to the query.
\* @param Closure \$calback
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereNotExists(\$callback, \$boolean = 'and');
\* Add a where not exists clause to the query.
\* @param Closure \$calback
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhereNotExists(\$callback);
\* Add a "where in" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param mixed \$values
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @param bool \$not
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereIn(\$column, \$values, \$boolean = 'and', \$not =
\* Add an "or where in" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param mixed \$values
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhereIn(\$column, \$values);
\* Add a "where not in" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param mixed \$values
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereNotIn(\$column, \$values, \$boolean = 'and');
\* Add an "or where not in" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param mixed \$values
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhereNotIn(\$column, \$values);
\* Add a "where null" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @param bool \$not
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereNull(\$column, \$boolean = 'and', \$not = false);
\* Add an "or where null" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhereNull(\$column);
\* Add a "where not null" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function whereNotNull(\$column, \$boolean = 'and');
\* Add an "or where not null" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orWhereNotNull(\$column);
\* Handles dynamic "where" clauses to the query.
\* @param string \$method
\* @param string \$parameters
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function dynamicWhere(\$method, \$parameters);
\* Add a "group by" clause to the query.
\* @param dynamic \$columns
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function groupBy();
\* Add a "having" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param string \$operator
\* @param string \$value
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function having(\$column, \$operator = null, \$value = null);
\* Add a raw having clause to the query.
\* @param string \$sql
\* @param array \$bindings
\* @param string \$boolean
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function havingRaw(\$sql, \$bindings = array(), \$boolean =
\* Add a raw or having clause to the query.
\* @param string \$sql
\* @param array \$bindings
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orHavingRaw(\$sql, \$bindings = array());
\* Add an "order by" clause to the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param string \$direction
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function orderBy(\$column, \$direction = 'asc');
\* Set the "offset" value of the query.
\* @param int \$value
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function skip(\$value);
\* Set the "limit" value of the query.
\* @param int \$value
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function take(\$value);
\* Set the limit and offset for a given page.
\* @param int \$page
\* @param int \$perPage
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function forPage(\$page, \$perPage = 15);
\* Add a union statement to the query.
\* @param :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|:::Closure \$query
\* @param bool \$all
\* @return Illuminate:::DatabaseQuery:::Builder|static
\* @static
public function union(\$query, \$all = false);
\* Add a union all statement to the query.
\* @param Illuminate:::DatabaseQuery:::Builder|Closure \$query
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function unionAll(\$query);
\* Get the SQL representation of the query.
\* @return string
\* @static
public function toSql();
\* Indicate that the query results should be cached.
\* @param int \$minutes
\* @param string \$key
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function remember(\$minutes, \$key = null);
\* Execute the query as a fresh "select" statement.
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return array
\* @static
public function getFresh(\$columns = array());
\* Execute the query as a cached "select" statement.
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return array
\* @static
public function getCached(\$columns = array());
\* Get a unique cache key for the complete query.
\* @return string
\* @static
public function getCacheKey();
\* Generate the unique cache key for the query.
\* @return string
\* @static
public function generateCacheKey();
\* Concatenate values of a given column as a string.
\* @param string \$column
\* @param string \$glue
\* @return string
\* @static
public function implode(\$column, \$glue = null);
\* Build a paginator instance from a raw result array.
\* @param :::IlluminatePagination:::Environment \$paginator
\* @param array \$results
\* @param int \$perPage
\* @return Illuminate:::PaginationPaginator
\* @static
public function buildRawPaginator(\$paginator, \$results, \$perPage);
\* Get the count of the total records for pagination.
\* @return int
\* @static
public function getPaginationCount();
\* Determine if any rows exist for the current query.
\* @return bool
\* @static
public function exists();
\* Retrieve the "count" result of the query.
\* @param string \$column
\* @return int
\* @static
public function count(\$column = '\*');
\* Retrieve the minimum value of a given column.
\* @param string \$column
\* @return mixed
\* @static
public function min(\$column);
\* Retrieve the maximum value of a given column.
\* @param string \$column
\* @return mixed
\* @static
public function max(\$column);
\* Retrieve the sum of the values of a given column.
\* @param string \$column
\* @return mixed
\* @static
public function sum(\$column);
\* Retrieve the average of the values of a given column.
\* @param string \$column
\* @return mixed
\* @static
public function avg(\$column);
\* Execute an aggregate function on the database.
\* @param string \$function
\* @param array \$columns
\* @return mixed
\* @static
public function aggregate(\$function, \$columns = array());
\* Insert a new record into the database.
\* @param array \$values
\* @return bool
\* @static
public function insert(\$values);
\* Insert a new record and get the value of the primary key.
\* @param array \$values
\* @param string \$sequence
\* @return int
\* @static
public function insertGetId(\$values, \$sequence = null);
\* Run a truncate statement on the table.
\* @return void
\* @static
public function truncate();
\* Merge an array of where clauses and bindings.
\* @param array \$wheres
\* @param array \$bindings
\* @return void
\* @static
public function mergeWheres(\$wheres, \$bindings);
\* Get a copy of the where clauses and bindings in an array.
\* @return array
\* @static
public function getAndResetWheres();
\* Create a raw database expression.
\* @param mixed \$value
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryExpression
\* @static
public function raw(\$value);
\* Get the current query value bindings.
\* @return array
\* @static
public function getBindings();
\* Set the bindings on the query builder.
\* @param array \$bindings
\* @return void
\* @static
public function setBindings(\$bindings);
\* Merge an array of bindings into our bindings.
\* @param :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder \$query
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryBuilder|static
\* @static
public function mergeBindings(\$query);
\* Get the database query processor instance.
\* @return :::IlluminateDatabase:::QueryProcessors:::Processor
\* @static
public function getProcessor();
\* Get the query grammar instance.
\* @return Illuminate:::DatabaseGrammar
\* @static
public function getGrammar();