VMWare Fusion 5 Set Static IP Address

I previously posted on setting a static ip address in vmware fusion 4. This also still works for VMWare Fusion 5.

Steps are the same.

First on your linux vm in terminal run the following command


Then copy the HWaddr it varies from vm to vm so you need to get yours

Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0c:29:f4:13:e4

Next edit the dhcp.conf file on your mac

sudo vim /Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf

After the

####### VMNET DHCP Configuration. End of "DO NOT MODIFY SECTION" #######

Add your new configuration, replace "vmnamehere" with the name of your vm.

host vmnamehere {
hardware ethernet 00:0c:22:f6:11:e8;

Now reboot your Mac or, as @splintax mentioned in the comments, restart DHCP.

cd /Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library
sudo ./vmnet-cli --configure
sudo ./vmnet-cli --stop
sudo ./vmnet-cli --start

Your vm's ip address should be what you set.

If that doesn't work, you may need to remove the network adapter and then re-add it. Make sure that your network adapter is connected to the virtual machine by removing and re-adding it.

a. Shut down your virtual machine. b. In Fusion, go to Virtual Machine > Settings > Network Adapter (Fusion 4 and later) / Network (Fusion 3 and earlier). c. Ensure that the network adapter is connected (that is, Enable Network Adapter is ON or the Connected box is selected). d. Ensure that the network adapter is configured for NAT or Bridged, and not Host Only or Custom. Make a note of your setting. e. Click triangle beside Advanced options and select Remove Network Adapter (Fusion 4 and later) or click the - (minus) button at the bottom of the Network pane (Fusion 3 and earlier) to remove your current network adapter. f. From the Settings pane select Add Device > Network Adapter (Fusion 4 and later) or the + (plus) button at the bottom of the Network pane to re-add your network adapter. g. Verify that your new network adapter settings match your old settings. h. Restart your Mac. i. Turn on your virtual machine.

From step 12